Demanding Positive Portrayals of Women as Journalists and in the Media.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Issues.

Although greater numbers of women are entering the journalism profession today, there are still many issues they face that men do not. To list a few...

1. Underrepresentation of women in positions of power, specifically in the journalism field.
2. Pay inequality; Men's work is valued higher than women's work in our society.
3. Women as politicians, celebrities, athletes, and citizens depicted in stereotypical ways.
4. Media's standard of beauty as limited, which leads to...
5. All women seen as beauty objects and beauty is valued and depicted over intelligence; the idea of beauty before brains.
6. Sexualization of women in the media, which leads to...
7. Female journalists as victims of sexual assault.
8. Lack of media coverage of women and women’s issues.
9. The imbalance of male to female reporters in certain news areas (such as sports).
10. The need for positive female role models in positions of power and as journalists to provide a more realistic representation in the media and on the news.

Here is a trailer for a new documentary called "Miss Representation," which introduces many of the issues I will confront throughout my blog project.


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